Airforce Y Group Mock Test in Hindi
Question - 1
Directions (1-5) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Magnus Carlsen scaled the pinnacle he was expected to in Chennai. It was only fitting that the strongest rated player in chess history owned the world title, taking over the reins from a five-time champion he admires and respects. Viswanathan Anand, too, understands very well that there is no shame in losing to the best on the planet. And Carlsen, who turns 23 this week, is threatening to raise the bar further. If chess players are known to mature in their 30s, then the chess world expects the prodigiously gifted Norwegian to gain another 28 points to breach the magic rating figure of 2900. But the champion seems in no hurry. Unlike many of his great predecessors, Carlsen finds time to play football and basketball to get away from chess. During the championship match, Carlsen would hop across to the mall next to his hotel for a few rounds of nine-pin bowling.
Question-1 : What does the author mean by the term 'Nine Pin Bowling' as used in the passage?